Help on: Account statements and transactions
This dialogue box displays all account statements and pre-booked items for an account. In addition, real-time balance and transaction information is available for Commerzbank domestic accounts.
For an explanation of specific elements within the form, simply click the number and marker that correspond to that element.
Switch between the views "Statements" and "Transactions": Choose your preferred type of view.
The view "Accounts" displays all account statements and pre-booked items for an account.
The view "Transactions" displays the continuous transactions for an account, starting with the latest.
Account selection: Click here to select the desired account from statements under a bank access for which you would like to display account statements and pre-booked items.
Account details: Expand this section if you would like to display additional details about an account and its characteristics.
Booking since last statement: This area in the view "Statements" is shown if pre-booked items were delivered to the selected account. For a real-time-enabled account (only Commerzbank Germany), new bookings available since the last statement are shown in the view "Transactions".
Please note that pre-booked items are automatically deleted by Global Payment Plus as soon as the corresponding account statement is delivered.
Account overview: All account statements from the past 540 calendar days are displayed here, in the view "Statements".
The view "Transactions" displays the transactions list, starting with the latest postings.
Detailed view of the account statement or pre-booked item: Click here to open the detailed view of the account statement or pre-booked item.
Printing and exporting of account statements: Here you can find additional options for printing (PDF) or exporting the selected account statement. These options are also offered for pre-booked items.
Export account statement: To create an export file, select the desired account statements or pre-booked items and then choose the desired export format.
The new export file can then be downloaded under the Export Files menu item.