Help on: Account overview
The account overview displays a complete list of your authorised accounts from statements under the corresponding bank access.
For an explanation of specific elements within the form, simply click the number and marker that correspond to that element.
Display real-time, book and available balances: Click here to toggle between real-time, book and available balances.
Book value and available balances are taken from an account's most recent account statement.
Real-time balances can only be displayed for Commerzbank domestic accounts (DE) at this point in time. The display option is only shown if you have at least one real-time enabled account. Real-time balances are indicated by a special symbol.
Account overview: The account overview displays a complete list of your authorised accounts from statements with their respective balances. The permission required to display this can be administered in the Administration function of the respective bank access under Account Displayor directly on the Account Overview in the administration view (click on the gear-wheel symbol). There you can also modify the individual account name.
Depending on the customer agreement, account statements and pre-booked items are automatically provided in Global Payment Plus for your bank access. For third-party bank accesses, we recommend activating the automatic download of account statements and pre-booked items in the relevant bank access.
Click here to see a detailed view of the account and to have all available account statements and pre-booked items displayed for the account.
The drop-down menu has additional functions which can be used to retrieve all available statements for an account or the most recent statement with a list of transactions. You can also print out the most recent statement as a PDF file or export it in either its original format or in CSV or XLS format.
To create an export file, select the desired account and then choose the time period and the desired export format.
The new export file can then be downloaded under the Export Files menu item.
Total balance of all bank accounts: The balance of all displayed accounts is provided in the currency you specified; this setting can be changed using the pencil symbol next to the total balance. Choose from all common currencies offered in GPP. This view is only intended to give you a better overview and does not represent a binding list of receivables and liabilities.
Settings and administration: With one click on the gear-wheel symbol, the account overview switches into the administration view. You can set the display order, account names, favourites and display permissions on that admin panel. Some of these options are only available for administration users.
In order to save the settings, please make sure to click on the check mark symbol on the very right side in the table header.