Help on: Third-party bank display permissions (bank access)
The permissions of the customer's individual users for displaying order details in the history as well as account information from statements can be administered on the Display Permissions tab.
For third-party bank accesses, account statements and pre-booked items are downloaded from the relevant bank's computer system via EBICS and the data are processed to be displayed in Global Payment Plus. To do so, activate the automatic download of account information.
The display permissions can only be administered by users who are authorised to download account information (EBICS order type STA).
For an explanation of specific elements within the form, simply click the number and marker that correspond to that element.
Displaying order details in the history is deactivated by default. This means that order and payment record information are only displayed to the person submitting the respective order.
If you would like a detailed view of historical orders to be made accessible to all of a customer's users, please enable the corresponding option. This does not include salary payments; the detailed view of such payments is only displayed to the person submitting the order.
The automatic download of account information can be configured individually for account statements and pre-booked items. Please note the following, however:
- Account statements are automatically downloaded by GPP at 06:00 o'clock every day. It does this using the EBICS order type STA.
- Pre-booked items (EBICS order type VMK), on the other hand, are only downloaded during the day if an authorised user (account display permission) logs in to GPP.
Please note that the automatic download of account information uses the user ID of the user who currently administers the settings.
The most recently-performed automated download is displayed here. Use the download information link to display a download history of the last 15 orders.
This displays a list of all of a customer's accounts from statements for which account statements have already been delivered in GPP.
Click the information icon to display the account's characteristics, update an individual account name or grant permission to users to display the account.
Click here to toggle between the account-based and user-based display.
You can authorise a specific user to display the account information of individual accounts in the user-based display. It is also possible to grant permission to a user for all current and future accounts. In this case, display permission is assigned automatically as soon as a new account from statements is generated in Global Payment Plus.