Help on: Overview of bank accesses

In GPP, a bank access enables you to communicate with a bank's computer system via the EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) protocol. A bank access represents the user underlying an EBICS customer at a specific bank.

In addition to your bank access at Commerzbank, you can set up other accesses at third-party banks if they support EBICS.

For an explanation of specific elements within the form, simply click the number and marker that correspond to that element.

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Bank access data: You have at least one bank access at Commerzbank which allows you to use Global Payment Plus. Here you not only see the bank at which the bank access was set up but also your EBICS customer and user ID.

Status of a bank access: Check here for the status of a bank access.

  • Initialised: The bank access was initialised, an initialisation letter has been sent and the bank access is awaiting approval. As soon as you have received an approval message from the relevant bank, please re-open the bank access. GPP will then attempt to complete the initialisation process.
  • Ready: The bank access has been fully set up and can be used for EBICS communication in GPP
  • Locked: The bank access was locked and must be re-initialised if desired

Additional options: Here you can find additional options for managing your bank access.

New bank access: Click here to set up a new bank access. To set up a third-party bank access you need the URL of the bank's computer system and its host ID as well as your access information (EBICS customer and EBICS user ID).