Help on: Customer profile
Company profile: Click here to set up a company under the customer and link it to one or more of the customer's accounts. If the account is used in a payment order, the originator's details will then be automatically preset with the company profile.
You can set up multiple companies under one customer. An account can only be linked to one single company, however.
All of the customer's users can maintain company profiles.
Company profile: Click here to set up a company under the customer and link it to one or more of the customer's accounts. If the account is used in a payment order, the originator's details will then be automatically preset with the company profile.
If customer data has been set up on the bank server, Global Payment Plus has automatically created company details out of this data which can be expanded as needed. Please note that customer data administered by your bank can not be changed or deleted.
You can set up multiple companies under one customer. An account can only be linked to one single company, however.
All of the customer's users can maintain company profiles.
Display all EBICS order types: All EBICS order types, broken down into download and upload orders, which are available for the customer on the bank's computer system are displayed here.
EBICS accounts overview: This is a list of all accounts that are administered for the customer on the bank's computer system.
If the account is linked to a company, the company name is displayed instead of the name of the account holder provided by the bank's computer system.
Display EBICS user: Click here to display a list of EBICS users available under that customer and their status.
Update permission: Please click here to download the customer's profile again. This also updates the permissions of all of the customer's users. Please note that you require permission for the EBICS order type HKD in order to download customer profiles.
Turn-off automatic permission: Automatic permissions can be deactivated for third-party accesses. In this case, customer profiles and user permissions delivered by the bank's computer system are no longer evaluated when payment orders are entered in Global Payment Plus. If the automatic permissions are turned off, the customer's accounts must be entered manually in order for them to be used when entering payment orders. In addition, once this feature is deactivated, the My Permissions tab is no longer visible to the customer's users.
Please only deactivate automatic permissions if the third-party bank does not offer (sufficient) support for the download of customer profiles and user permissions.