Help on: Import of contacts
You can import new addresses to your existing address book. The address book essentially belongs to the EBICS customer of the primary Commerzbank access and can be managed by all users of that customer.
You can choose between adding new contacts or creating of a new address book.
Templates for Excel and CSV are available and can be downloaded from this page.
Please choose the correct import format by using following Excel or CSV template. You may export contact from your existing address book to receive the template for your import.
Following fields are available: (See sample of Excel file)
* EBICS customer-ID (Column A): Enter here your primary EBICS customer ID. You will find this under Administration / bank accesses
* Country (Column B): Enter here the 2-digit ISO country codes of the beneficiary. eg. DE for Germany
* Title (Column C): Enter here the titel of the beneficiary. Only the following values are valid: Mr / Ms / Company
* Name (Column D): Enter here the name of the beneficiary
First name (Column E): Enter here the first name of the beneficiary (If company - you can leave this fielt empty)
Street (Column F): Enter here the street of the beneficiary
Postcode (Column G): Enter here the ZIP code of the beneficiary
Town/City (Column H): Enter here the town of the beneficiary
Province (Column I): Enter here the province of the beneficiary
Phone number (Column J): Enter here the phone number of the beneficiary
Customer number (Column K): Enter here the customer number of the beneficiary
INN (TIN)/Company number (Column L): Enter here the INN (TIN) or company number of the beneficiary
* Country (Column M): Enter here the country of the bank of the beneficiary. eg. for Spain
* Account owner (Column N): Enter here the name of the beneficiary (mostly identical with column D + E)
* Account number (Column O): Enter here the account number of the beneficiary (No need if column P with IBAN is used)
* IBAN (Column P): Enter here the IBAN of the beneficiary (No need if column O with account number is used)
Bank sort code (Column Q): Enter here the national bank sort code of the beneficiary bank
Swift-BIC (Column R): Enter here the SWIFT / BIC of the beneficiary bank
Bank name (Column S): Enter here the name of the beneficiary bank
Street (Column T): Enter here the street of the beneficiary bank
Postcode (Column U): Enter here the post code of the beneficiary bank
Town/City (Column V): Enter here the city of the beneficiary bank
Province (Column W): Enter here the province of the beneficiary bank
All with * indicated fields are mandatory and must be filled. If field account number is used - the field IBAN must be empty and if field IBAN is filled, the field account number must be empty.
Other fields are optional and can be filled.
When using a CSV file format, please make sure that the coding is UTF-8.
Choose the type of import.
Please select between:
"Create new address book"
With this step all existing contacts, templates and bank connections from your current address book will be deleted. This step cannot be undone.
"Add contacts"
With this you will add new contacts to your existing address book.
Please choose your import file.
Start with the import.
The number of new contacts is shown. If you want to continue with the import - click to "start import".
In case the import file is not correct - the log file will be provided. Please amend the import file and start the import again.
You can close this window after the successful import.
The new contacts are now available in your address book.