Help on: File download / file retrieval
The File Download function can be used to display and download the order types available to EBICS customers on the bank's computer system. Once they have been downloaded, the files can be found on the Downloaded Files tab.
For an explanation of specific elements within the form, simply click the number and marker that correspond to that element.
If you expand the section pertaining to a bank access, GPP will automatically determine the order types available for download on the bank's computer system.
Please keep in mind that you require permissions for the EBICS order type HAA to do this and that the bank's computer system must support this function. Otherwise you will be notified accordingly. In this case, use the Repeat Download function and enter the desired order type manually.
Select the desired order type to download the file from the bank's computer system. This file will then be available in GPP on the Downloaded Files tab.
Here you will find additional functions for updating the screen as well as entering a Repeat Download.