
Dear Customers,

Please note, that Clause 1.2. of the General Conditions of Lending of the Bank shall be supplemented with the effect of 18 February 2020.

This amendment is mandatory due to the reporting obligations of the Bank under the decree 35/2018 (XI.13.) of the Hungarian National Bank (in Hungarian: MNB rendelet). According to subsection 13 of Section 279 of the Act CCXXXVII of 2013 on Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises and the General Conditions of Business of the Bank, the Bank may unilaterally amend its contract terms and conditions.

The General Conditions of Lending of the Bank that is effective as of 18 February 2020 shall be available on our website under ‘Terms and Conditions’.

Budapest, January 30, 2020

Commerzbank Zrt.