Our presence, your benefits

Locally established, globally networked

Commerzbank Zrt. has been available to corporate customers in Hungary since 1993. Its network comprises the headquarters in Budapest and three locations in Győr, Kecskemét and Miskolc. This presence gives us knowledge of the market in Hungary and its characteristics and formalities. We combine this with our expertise in financial management and offer it to German companies that are active in Hungary, as well as to Hungarian companies that have a connection with Germany. We also provide a service to local companies with operations in Hungary. We are your strategic partner for your international and local business.

Commerzbank – Your strategic partner at your side, worldwide.

Your benefits

  • Locally established – globally represented in almost 50 countries
  • Tailor-made solutions for Hungarian corporate and institutional clients
  • We support Hungarian export-oriented corporates worldwide
  • Your lead Relationship Manager coordinates your global activities to make your international business easier for you